S.O.L.E. is a non-profit, donation-based organization run by volunteers. We are dedicated to taking care of those who take care of us by ensuring the overall well-being of law enforcement in our community. S.O.L.E. is committed to being there for law enforcement during an illness, crisis, or injury. We also strive to support law enforcement officers through times of long deployment or other unforeseen circumstances.
SOLE Featured on FOX 13
Watch SOLE – Supporters of Law Enforcement and its founder, Detective Nate Boggs, as recently featured on Fox 13 News.

A MESSAGE S.O.L.E Survivor:
A Cancer Journey through a Cop's Eyes
This is a real-life account of a cancer journey through the eyes of a police officer. It is no secret that law enforcement officers view the world through different eyes than general society because they are shaped by an environment of hypervigilance and the need to control situations to mitigate safety concerns. This book contains an inside view of a law enforcement family's spiritual journey in the face of a life-threatening disease.

Unbreakable: Lessons Learned from Real Cop Stories to Build Resiliency and Mental Toughness
The emotional gravitude of societal events of 2020, combined with the anti-police rhetoric that swept across mainstream media and social media platforms, caused a ripple effect that directly impacted police officers who already have an extraordinarily stressful job. Police officers all over the Nation felt unfairly vilified for the actions of a few, and morale went to an all-time low. The author, Nate Boggs, understands the difficulty of the job and has dedicated his life to helping his brothers and sisters who have the courage to wear a badge. The community generally doesn't realize the daily challenges that police officers face, or the types of critical incidents that law enforcement officers deal with on a routine basis. To illustrate this Nate has provided real stories from his career, raw personal experiences, and thoughtful lessons derived from each one to provide a better understanding of the intricacies of the modern law enforcement officer. Mental resilience is just as important as any other tool utilized in law enforcement. This book is designed to not only help the reader to understand the difficulties and realities of the profession of a law enforcement officer, but also provide a way for police officers to overcome these challenges to ultimately retire healthy with an intact family unit.